Change State

Economic Updates | CHANGE STATE

Nicole Doyle

Change State Economic Update – August 2022

We hope you are well as summer vacations wind to a close and students begin gearing up for a return to school. Like many of you, we’ve been busy this summer and are looking forward to a little R&R ourselves. With that, a first of two brief announcements: our “office” will be closed this coming …

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Nicole Doyle

Change State Economic Update – July 2022

For those of you who I haven’t had the pleasure of speaking with just yet, hello! I’m Nicole and I’m the newest member of the Change State team. I’ve recently come on board to serve our clients and support our growing business through operations and process efficiency.

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Nicole Doyle

Change State Economic Update – April 2022

Spring has sprung, at least where we have been hanging our hats lately. We hope that you and yours are getting outside and enjoying more time al fresco, too. Next month is an exciting time for us here at Change State – our third anniversary is coming up!

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