Change State


This week we welcome Gretchen Huestis to the podcast. Passionate about human potential and purpose-led change, Gretchen has more than 20 years of experience as a management consultant and holder of senior HR leadership roles. She honed her skills at Towers Perrin, Pitney Bowes, SABMiller, and HSBC before assuming her current position at Siegel+Gale, where she serves at Group Director of Brand-led Change.

Topics include: building bridges between HR and marketing, the persistence of silos within an organization, aligning an EVP with an organization’s wider purpose, the concept of brand champions, how to identify and nurture brand champions, the intersection of brand understanding and brand passion, “wild cards” vs “spectators,” and the importance of maintaining promises to employees in times of change

Gretchen Heustis

Group Director of Brand-led Change, Siegel+Gale
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