Change State

Economic Update

Change State Economic Update – June 2024

Change State Friends,

Welcome to summer! Do you have exciting travel plans, or are you staying closer to home this year? With a new puppy in our household, we’re a bit limited on activities far from home – at least for the next month or so.

Change State Economic Update – May 2024

​Change State Friends,

A Happy May to you all, and I hope spring has brought you something to celebrate – be it Mother’s Day, warmer weather, outdoor exercise, or a rare dual cicada emergence? Our family has something sweet to celebrate this coming weekend – we’re finally welcoming a new puppy to the family after losing a very special dog this time last year.

Change State Economic Update – April 2024

​Change State Friends,

Welcome to April!

Did you watch the eclipse yesterday? And, if you weren’t in the path of the totality, did you celebrate with one of these bizarre eclipse-themed foods? If these spectacular celestial events have given you a renewed sense of connection to nature – remember it’s Earth Day this coming April 22nd: get out there and enjoy the natural world and plant some plants, if you have the space to do so.

Change State Economic Update – March 2024

​Change State Friends,

Welcome to March!

Has this month entered more like a lion, or more like a lamb where you are? As a huge snowstorm looms here in Denver, it seems March has been defined by severe weather and odd climate events just about everywhere (“Tumblemaggedon”, anyone)? As we roll into spring towards the end of this month I hope you get a glimmer of sunnier and more pleasant days ahead.

Change State Economic Update – January 2024

Change State Friends,

✨Happy New Year! ✨

We hope you enjoyed your end-of-year celebrations and are looking forward to a fantastic 2024 ahead! Now is the time we typically take stock of things we’d like to leave behind in 2023 and set intentions or goals for the year ahead.

Change State Economic Update – November 2023

It’s (finally?) fall, y’all. The weather has been bouncing around here in Denver – from 80 degrees, to snow, and back again twice in the last two weeks. Hopefully, the weather where you are from has settled into a more predictable pattern, and you’re enjoying the cozy feeling of fall, whatever that means to you.

Change State Economic Update – October 2023

First things first – I wish a spooktacular October to all those who celebrate. Did you know that the origin of the “trick or treat” tradition may have emerged from an older Germanic Christmas custom where children would disguise themselves and shout “belsnickel!” to attempt to procure …